Flyer readiness states

Flyer units can only take part in a mission when they are properly prepared, and they must rearm and refuel after each mission. They may also need repairs if they are driven off — that is, if they are hit but not destroyed while on a mission.

Keep track of your flyers' state of readiness, as follows:

  • Repair: Place Flyer units in this state when they are hit but not destroyed (see Hits on flyers). You must leave them here for one full turn — then, at the end of that turn, move them to the Rearm state.

  • Rearm: Place Flyer units in this state after they have performed a mission, or they missed a turn in the Repair state. You must leave them here for one full turn — then, at the end of that turn, move them to the Ready state.

  • Ready: Place Flyer units here at the start of the game, and after they leave the Rearm state. In the Start phase, you may declare a flyer mission for any detachment that has at least one Flyer unit in the Ready state.

The original Epic 40,000 cardboard airfields provide a visually appealing way to keep track. Of course you could make your own equivalent, which could be a nice hobby project, or you can just use another method such as pen and paper.

[TODO: This would be a good place to add a good photograph of an original Epic 40,000 airfield and/or provide a printable alternative.]